Saying hello

We’re always excited to meet new artists, theatre-makers, producers, directors, designers and backstage crew. Please feel free to get in touch with us to introduce yourself. Let us know about your work and your interest in creating or being part of Welsh-language work by emailing


Seeing your work

Gadewch i ni wybod petai yna gyfle i ni weld eich gwaith. Pe medrech chi roi gwybod i ni o leiaf mis ymlaen llaw, fe geisiwn sicrhau bod cynrychiolydd o’r cwmni ar gael i fynychu unrhyw gyflwyniad. Ebostiwch gyda’r manylion.


Presenting a script or idea

We would be thrilled to receive and consider scripts and ideas from you.

Please send your script or outline of an idea to We will send an e-mail to confirm that your work has been received and will aim to respond within three months to the date of that e-mail.


Offering support

Our team is ready to help. If you’re keen to talk about grant applications, rehearsal spaces, creating budgets, contracts, organising tours, marketing, participatory work, partnership projects or any other theatre work, please get in touch with us and we’ll make sure that a representative from the company will be available to talk with you. Please email

We look forward to hearing from you!