Our vision

Creating Welsh-language theatre as a place of connection for the well-known and the unexpected, for Welshness and the world, for the big conversations and the joyful moments.

Our mission

A national touring theatre company putting Wales and its people on the map, open and welcoming to all, securing a bright future for our language and our culture.

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17/07/2024 News
Dawns y Ceirw: Casi Wyn leads a feast of storytelling, dance, and music

Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru and National Dance Company Wales are thrilled to collaborate this winter.

08/07/2024 News
Drama, laughs, and a conversation with Siân Phillips: One month until Eisteddfod Rhondda Cynon Taf 2024

With the National Eisteddfod only a few weeks away, Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru are thrilled to share the feast of drama, comedy, and talks that they have planned for this year’s festivities.

12/06/2024 News
Brên. Calon. Fi: Bethan Marlow’s powerful monologue at the 2024 National Eisteddfod

Bethan Marlow’s funny and tender monologue, Brên. Calon. Fi, will be performed as part of the Mas ar y Maes programme at this year’s National Eisteddfod.

The Guardian

Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru… brilliantly dramatises Wales’ tussle of languages and identities – and its ambitions stretch far beyond its own borders.